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Out Smart Stress

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Recommended Book

"The Stress Specialist"

Surveys and Research Reports over the past
two decades reveal that:
Robert Smith outsmarting stress
Robert Smith is available for a seminar or workshop at your place of business.  You can reach him at (405) 917-5258.
  • 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects due to stress.
  • 75-90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints or disorders.
  • Stress has been linked to all the leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis, and suicide.
  • An estimated 1 million workers are absent on an average workday because of stress related complaints.  Stress is said to be responsible for more than half of the 550,000,000 workdays lost annually because of absenteeism.
  • A three-year study conducted by a large corporation showed that 60% of employee absences were due to psychological problems such as stress.
  • Nearly half of all American workers suffer from symptoms of burnout, a disabling reaction to stress on the job.
  •  Recent research has increasingly confirmed the important role of stress in cardiovascular disease, cancer, gastrointestinal, skin, neurological and emotional disorders, and a host of disorders linked to immune system disturbances, ranging from the common cold and herpes, to arthritis, cancer, and AIDS.

Stress can be seen as any stimulus or change in the internal or external environment which disturbs "homeostasis" or inner harmony.  It is the psychological and physiological conditions that a person experiences when they perceive a situation as threatening, harmful, or demanding. Stress is a natural reaction to fear. Our thoughts about the situations in which we find ourselves are the critical factor.

Stress is the physical reaction to a belief, fear or attitude.  The stressed reaction is what gives meaning to the external world.  Its purpose is to protect and to keep a balance in our life. 
Robert Smith

You will discover Robert Is the obvious expert
because he gets results
  Your life will improve as you discover the secret to a better life.  On these pages you will see amazing true testimonials.  You will know Robert is the man to help you and he is the real expert when it comes to making changes.  Robert is always there for you.

If you are at a point in your life when you can no longer handle the stress of daily living by yourself, then you have come to the right place.  Whether the problem is weight, relationships, divorce, depression, grief, or fear, Robert can help. He is the Expert at Fast changes.

His program is guaranteed to give you the power to achieve the peace of mind you are searching for and control over your body.

For years Robert has been counseling individual clients along with teaching groups about how the mind and body work together. Because of their connection, thoughts seem real and the body responds accordingly.  Thought triggers the body in order to protect and prepare us for what the mind perceives. This is the power of belief and how thoughts are expressed. If you change your perceptions, you’ll change your life. This is the core of his program.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, hard as it may be to believe, it absolutely is true. Read the testimonials and watch the videos on this site and you will discover this is uniquely different from anything else you have ever tried.  This works.  Changes are guaranteed!  

 Click here for Private Sessions



  Call Today

(405) 917-5258


       "Robert, you have been the answer to a prayer both professionally and personally. In just a few months I have known you, my life has changed for the better.  Not only has my stress at work decreased to almost nothing, you have been gracious enough to help me learn more about how to help the kids I work with. On a professional level you have helped me grow so that I am able to work in a faster and more effective way.  Anyone who has suffered with a trauma will understand what a blessing it is to have the trauma dealt with, and the ability to move on and have a happy, joyful life in a matter of minutes.  On a personal level, thanks for helping me deal with the trees in my forest that I thought I had dealt with long ago.  Thank you for being willing to share this precious gift that has taught us that we can control our thoughts and emotions that had controlled us." 

Pati Moore L.P.C.

Licensed Professional Counselor

Guaranteed Quick Changes

By the time you’re finished with the program, not only will your life change, but you will also have the skills necessary to master future challenges. 

After training for years in the field of Energy Psychology, and working with ideas of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), I developed a program to meet the needs of everyday people with everyday problems.


Specifically, the “Change Your Life” program is extremely effective for the relief of physical pains and/or the following issues:


Addictive Cravings
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Childhood-Abuse Issues
Compulsions and Obsessions                     
Depression and Sadness
Difficult Relationships
Fears and Phobias
Grief and Loss
In-law Problems
Inter-personal Conflicts
Job Pressures
Negative Memories
Pain Management
Physical Conditions and Healing
Peak Performance
Sexual Abuse Issues
Sexual Abuse
Trauma and Traumatic Memories
Breaking Addictions to Foods
And so much more…

"For quite some time, I have not been able to go to the mall or any other crowded public place, without the fear of having a panic attack.  So, I just avoided going because I could not handle it.  But after two sessions with Robert, I went to the mall on Saturday and I loved it so much that I went Sunday too!  I had no panic attack and the fear was not even there! I have more self-confidence and more control in my life and those helpless feelings are gone. Thank you Robert for everything, you were my last hope." 

Debbie Sears, Oklahoma City, OK  


"..within minutes of working with Robert,  he helped me make some dramatic changes in my life. Ever since I was three I had been plagued by asthma.  He took an experience that I had that was so severe, it still made my body react physically just from the thought of it, a changed it to simply another memory. He began working with me focusing on my asthma that was bothering me.  By the time we were finished, my breathing had relaxed to normal and I was running around the room purposely smelling the perfume of several women (I always had a severe reaction to the smell of perfume in the past). You can tell immediately when you speak to Robert that he's a caring and kind person who wants to help people. As my problems disappeared, Robert's face lit up almost as much as mine. This method is truly one of the fastest, painless, and permanent methods I have tried.”            

Fred Delfino


"I now have peace and the skills to change all the bad feelings that were destroying my life.  Not only has my marriage changed, but also our children are happier and my in-laws do not bother me anymore! I am so thankful to this wonderful man who has given me the emotional freedom and my life back.”     

Karen S., Oklahoma City, OK 



“I’m 49 years old and I’m finally experiencing a healthy, loving relationship, thanks to Robert's work.  He helped remove the emotional blockages and my sabotaging behaviors so that I can truly experience love.  I now have a new man in my life that has touched my heart in ways you wouldn’t believe. It is truly amazing how effectively this program works.”

Toni S., Oklahoma City, OK  


More Testimonials
Opportunities For Change
There are several ways to learn how to change your life forever. If you're an individual and in need of change, you can contact me to set up a phone consultation or a face-to-face session.   If you’re interested in a presentation at your business, church or club I have several presentations from which you can choose.  Please feel free to contact me at (405) 917-5258. On occasions, I also offer free seminars. Please check my calendar regularly to find a topic and location that will work for you.     

Together we can remove ANY obstacles in your path to success and happiness!


Medical Disclaimer

The information and advice published on or made available through the website is not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians. The user should consult a physician in all matters relating to his or her health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The Skills to Change Institute makes no representations or warranties with respect to any information offered or provided on or through the website regarding treatment, action, or application of medication. Neither the Skills to Change Institute, or any of its Members and Affiliates will be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there from.

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